






In carrying out our job, what’s the difference between just being a follower and being able to do creative job?

It might be the difference between accepting the current situation as it is and sticking to the same way of doing things,
or having a perspective that identifies issues in the present from the standpoint of efficiency and productivity, I believe.
In other words, those who accept the current situation without recognizing its problems tend to consider the past as the correct path, hence they become passive towards new things or improvements.

In the other hand, those who acknowledge problems in the present tend to identify areas for improvement,
leading to enhancements in efficiency and productivity through the execution of solutions, which fosters progress.
Through this process, executing solutions leads to the absorption of new knowledge
and skills for that persons, contributing to their personal growth.

In essence, those who maintain the status quo find it difficult to update their approach to work
and stagnate in their personal development, ultimately ending up as mere followers.

On the other hand, those who acknowledge existing issues and drive improvements,
during the process of formulating solutions, foster creative thinking.
By implementing these improvements, they not only enhance work efficiency
and productivity but also undergo personal growth.

This difference is substantial. In the context of work execution,
it's essential not to consider the current situation as the definitive answer
but rather identify issues within it.

By doing so, we can avoid becoming just another follower.
Let's strive for creative work execution by not settling for the status quo
but instead identifying issues and driving improvements.
